• Steve Temple

    Technical Director @ Gibe Digital Ltd

Enhancing the Umbraco Experience using machine learning

Looking at the rapidly expanding range of machine learning tools now available through services such as Azure can be a bit daunting. We'll look at examples of the 3 main uses of Machine learning: Classification, Prediction, and Anomaly Detection, and look at how we can utilise the various AI options Microsoft Azure has to offer; we investigate various ways we can use them to improve Umbraco sites and the editor experience. 


We'll go all the way through, from using the pre-build cognitive services such Vision API to enhance the media section, to using the Microsoft recommendations solution for e-commerce product recommendations, and eventually to rolling our own solution using Azure Machine Learning Studio to enhance site security.


The talk is intended to inspire to play with these services yourself, by giving a little taste of everything. Ideally, it will give you enough information on how and where to get started rather than providing finished solutions.


Target audience: Technical

Level: Advanced


About the speaker:

Steve has been working with Umbraco since version 4. With over 20 years of digital experience, he has started a successful digital agency (and Umbraco Gold Partner) in the UK specialising in complex bespoke e-commerce and Umbraco sites.

He is an active member of the Umbraco community regularly talking at umBristol and the UK festival. He is also the maintainer of server Umbraco packages. Steve is also the organiser of Umbraco Spark, a new Umbraco conference in the UK.